How to Know When God Has Abandoned You

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Joined: 2009/ix/21
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How do we know when God has given up on the states?

Howdy everyone, hope you all had a great holiday...I was wodnering about the concept of God giving people up...I'g frightened because I fear that may exist my example...Sometimes my heart feels so hardened that I don't even have a sense of conviction...Sometimes my head feels then out of reality that I barely think straight on spiritual matters...and sometimes I just don't feel like seeking after God and trying to observe Him...what can I do? How do I know if I have been given upward? Information technology's an awful feeling...has anybody been thru this?


 2009/12/26 13:37 Profile
Re: How do we know when God has given upward on us?

Practice you believe these words?


Hebrews 13:5 Allow your conversation exist without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye take: for he hath said, I WILL NEVER Go out YOU NOR Will I ABANDONED YOU.

If y'all say yes, and so my question is, What is your problem?
 2009/12/26 14:sixteen

Joined: 2008/one/3
Posts: 189

Re: How do we know when God has given up on us?

I have felt similar yous practice many times before in my boxing with besetting sin. Merely God is faithful. You lot will leave Him without a care in the world long earlier He will go out you. David besides struggled with these thoughts many times throughout the psalms (await at Psalm half dozen and Psalm 13) because of the fear he had over his sin and the noesis that he had forsaken fellowship with God. God is faithful to answer the penitent. Cry out to God and seek Him in His word. Worship Him and seek His presence. The bottom line is that God is awesome, holy, faithful and truthful and deserves our worship. Movement frontward in that thought and seek him regardless of your anxieties. You will detect him.


 2009/12/26 14:24 Profile

Joined: 2009/ane/21
Posts: 1580
Locport, Illinois


brother i know what your going through. I myself am withal struggling, i approximate it is the lack of his presence, i don't know why he just tin can't come to help correct at present when nosotros weep to him. I have been crying for ii years in someways he has answered but in others i am withal feeling like a lost person. But brother i higly recommend yous read the book from that great saint john bunyan chosen grace abounding or even augistines confessions maybe they will help. Especially john bunyans it wil make you smile considering he went through the same matter.

John Beechy

 2009/12/27 4:51 Profile

Joined: 2009/ane/21
Posts: 1580
Locport, Illinois


I feel like the more i have sought him the more hardened i get too, know when has an respond to this, i disagree with faith, i believe it is only by the power of the holy spirit that we tin believe non by us, because if it was in our easily i would have believed already.

John Beechy

 2009/12/31 seven:38 Profile
Re: How do we know when God has given upwards on us?

Silo has been in several times starting posts in utter disbelief, and I know exactly where he is at because I take been there many times and only a quick shot of the word to remind us that we are not alone and that God is right there for us, if nosotros merely bend towards Him instead of our self pity of "oh woe is me". God has never wallowed with me in that. He'd allow me have my tantrum simply when I settled down, and so He speaks peace to my spirit and I hear that the word of God is truth. At present I can push information technology away and continue in my unbelief, or I can brainstorm to accept it and begin again. At that place is nothing wrong in starting over over again. It doesn't matter if a car has been in storage for whatsoever length of time, it all the same needs to exist tended to in society for information technology to showtime properly. Then it is with usa, we need faith in order for us to start properly and it will always require religion, anything else is sin.

For Silo, he needs a good swift kick of religion to spring start him into the world of believing instead looking at his surroundings. And believe you me, I am speaking to the choir here. Nosotros can't beget to become back down to this lower nature and feed on the dregs of lifeless fruit. We need to feed on faith. And I, having been down for the count on many occasions understand the plight of those who have been knocked down by sin or by someone chirapsia up on the saints. There is an element of mercy that we must evidence, all the same, it's not the type for us to wallow in information technology with our swain brethren, information technology's the blazon of mercy that is mixed with faith that draws the states upward out of that miry dirt and so we can stand properly on that Rock to stay. He put a song in my soul today, a song of praise hallelujah.

So lift up the head that is hanging low and and permit us go against how we feel and praise God anyway. Even if all nosotros can conjure up is a 'sigh', that likewise is good. Psalm 103 says:

[x] He hath not dealt with us afterward our sins; nor rewarded u.s.a. according to our iniquities.
[11] For as the sky is high above the earth, and then great is his mercy toward them that fear him.
[12] Every bit far equally the east is from the west, then far hath he removed our transgressions from us.
[thirteen] Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear him.
[xiv] For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust.

If we tin say annihilation, we can sing that song of gratitude,

"I'chiliad then happy and hither's the reason why, Jesus took my brunt all away"


"He took my sins away, He took my sins away, and keeps me singing everyday, I'm so glad that He took my sins away, He took my sins abroad."

Nosotros must recollect Silo that the journey that Jesus took in this life nosotros are following Him in that same journey. There volition exist times when we are depression, He was low. "A human of sorrows and acquainted with grief." There were times that He was happy. Tin can you lot imagine the surge of excitement when someone with faith shows up and says, "just speak the give-and-take LORD and I know it'southward done". And He had that foreknowledge, simply there were times that He marveled too. I observe that amazing. He knew it anyway, but still His mind was boggled.

Take you always watched a child practice something that but boggled your heed? It's funny to lookout man because you see this small-scale beast practice something that you'd never wait to happen. Children don't see things that are impossible, they just do. Nosotros make information technology impossible for them if it involves danger, and we'll protect them. While others simply stunt their possibilities altogether to which they give up trying to do annihilation because they are hindered from advancing.

But we who are of the organized religion are not hindered, unless it'southward a besetting sin, and most times information technology's a besetting sin. In ministry information technology tin can be sin, but in that location are besides opposing forces.

Sin does one thing for us that I am glad is axiomatic, it doesn't satisfy. It's just when nosotros are sick and tired of being sick and tired, that is when we stand up against the thing that is non making us satisfied and move toward a source that will continually satisfy, our LORD God.

 2009/12/31 10:20

Joined: 2009/1/21
Posts: 1580
Locport, Illinois


thanks deepthinker

John Beechy

 2009/12/31 10:51 Contour

Joined: 2006/six/28
Posts: 3405
Dallas, Texas



At that place is a principle in the spiritual that we all must go through as office of the maturation procedure in God. Unfortunately, you never really hear nigh this truth in sermons or books, except by ministers who have gone through the fires of failure and trials in God's schoolhouse and take come out the other side "refined" and able to comfort others by the comfort wherewith they themselves are comforted by God (2 Cor. i:four).

The truth is simply this: a deepening awareness of God's grace is often wrought by immense personal failure, often repeated over and over before victory through organized religion is gained. God will allow that one "besetting sin" to remain, to torment you, to keep yous apprehensive, to proceed your face in the clay while He continues to do a irksome but necessary work in your heart. All of this is part of the process of conformity to Christ. Information technology is painful, distressing...and sometimes downright fearful. At that place are times where you'll believe you've truly reached the cease of grace and passed the point of no return, merely to have God all of a sudden fill y'all anew with the Holy Spirit and comfort you with the assurance of His still-abiding presence. Such astonishing grace, love and mercy is soul-staggering and designed to bring you to true repentance through His divine goodness.

The Christian walk is a daily sojourn through Vanity Fair. It's an gamble in the truest sense, filled with pitfalls and delights, temptations and mirages, false brethren, traps, flesh-wars and spiritual assaults lurking potentially effectually each turn in the trailway. God allows us to often neglect temporarily to these hinderances in social club to wean us off relying on our ain resources to "go along us saved" and bear witness the truth behind verses similar Philippians 3:nine; Philippians 1:six; Galatians 5:16; Philippians 2:13; I Peter 1:5 et cetera.

Paul Frederick W

 2009/12/31 11:02 Profile

Joined: 2006/11/26
Posts: 3961


I tin can't really improve on what Deep Thinker has already said, merely as I was deleting some of my old E-mails, I ran across a message given by David Wilkerson in 2007 on "Dry Spells". I am going to ship this bulletin out in a seperate post, because I believe that at that place are many Christians that are going through a "dry spell" correct now. At that place are many reasons for this, but God'south ultimate purpose is to bring us into enlargement and greater fruitfulness. God is working all things for the skilful of those that love Him and are called according to His purpose. (Romans eight:28).



 2009/12/31 11:06 Profile

Joined: 2006/eleven/26
Posts: 3961


The post by Paul West has been my personal feel, and at times information technology really looked like I was finished, going downwards for the count, where I seemed to have lost all of my religion. Praise God that He is faithful, and where sin did abound, His grace did much more abound. I am thankful that the Lord has brought me into a identify of victory, but it was in my darkest hour that He revealed His amazing grace to me.



 2009/12/31 11:34 Contour


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